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When the dog pees in the house

chihuahua pipi popo

I don’t mind readers, if once again, I wish to elaborate on a topic that I believe is indispensable for the well-being of the dog and that of the owner, as the problem of inappropriate elimination is one of the most felt, especially among owners of small dogs.

One of the main causes is due to inadequate training and the tendency to let the dog eliminate “pee and poop” on the sleeper, even when he is now an adult. Let me explain: around 7 to 8 weeks of age, a time that very often coincides with the adoption of the dog, the puppy develops a preference for a particular substrate, so if it is adopted at this time of its life, it becomes relatively easy for the owner to direct it to a suitable surface. Unfortunately, very often, instead of teaching the puppy, from the very beginning, to “dirty” outside the house, the owner provides a place for the puppy to excrete and covers the surface with newspapers (diapers, sleepers etc), In the hope that the puppy will make it right there. The trouble is that if some of the urine inadvertently ends up on the floor, it becomes a kind of “signal” that tells the dog that That is the right place to do it, and if it is not corrected, will continue to use that place in adulthood.

How to eliminate the problem in 4 points!
Even for the adult dog, the same rules used for the puppy apply, viz:

  1. Remove the sleeper immediately.
  2. Make frequent outings at regular times.
  3. Once the dog has learned proper elimination habits, maintain at least 3 to 4 daily outings that satisfy not only the dog’s physiological needs but also its social and exercise needs.
  4. Remember to reward the dog every time it “soils” in the right place. If he accidentally eliminates in the house, it will be good to follow the suggestions given in the article “When Chihuahuas soil in the house: mistakes and remedies,” published last week.

When anxiety is the problem…
Sometimes the “elimination” problem is related to separation anxiety, one of the most common forms of anxiety in dogs. Dogs with separation anxiety, manifest discomfort when their owners separate from him (sometimes it happens only with a particular family member that the dog considers a reference or “secure base”).

Destructive acts, eliminations, and inappropriate vocalizations should be considered symptoms of separation anxiety if:

  • The dog eliminates in the home only when the owner considered a “secure base” is absent (in rare cases, it is enough even if the dog loses eye contact with the owner).
  • The dog never eliminates if the referring owner is present in the house.
  • The dog began to eliminate indoors after a period when it had learned to eliminate outside the home.
  • The veterinarian found no clinical cause for the inappropriate elimination behavior.

In this case, the above points should be a “ wake-up call” that would prompt the owner, to seek professional “rehabilitation.”

Carla Beard
Sing To The Moon Dog Center


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