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Traveling with a dog or cat

“How nice: let’s go on vacation!!!!!” That’s what our children think and shout in the summer, but have we ever wondered if our pets are really happy to travel, or if they really only follow us for our own sake or even for lack of alternatives?
When it comes to “vacations,” the first concern is to reflect on this very point; the duration and stress of the trip must be proportional to the degree of comfort and time to adapt to the stay. If taking our dogs and cats with us is a “grueling” rather than a “relaxing” experience, let’s think of another solution. Why, for example, do we not
leave them at home, entrusting them to a family member or a person we trust and who is experienced in handling dogs and cats
? We could also choose a
pet boarding house
: in this case, do not consider your dog or cat a “package to be deposited,” but accompany him or her to visit the place two or three times to get to know the people who will take care of him or her, even leaving him or her for a few afternoons or a weekend; the detachment will thus be less traumatic, the animal will live the new experience serenely, willingly returning the next time, having the certainty that the family will come back for him or her: as if it were a second home.

If, on the other hand, we decide to
take our dog or cat with us
we first need to check the mode of transportation, depending on the means used (car, ship and ferry, plane or camper)

  • If you use
    airplane, ship or train
    request in detail a ticket that includes transporting your dog or cat; the travel company will provide you with all the necessary directions. The use of the kennel (the carrier) may be required : make sure it is the correct size, easily washed and well ventilated.
  • If you move
    by car
    make sure that you travel during the coolest hours, or if that is not possible, that the passenger compartment is at acceptable temperatures, without aiming the air conditioning directly at the animals.

Dogs and cats are unable to perspire from the skin as we humans do: their “radiator ” is their tongue: to keep their body temperature under control, they must increase their respiratory acts and breathe with their mouths open and their tongues hanging out! However, this method is not always sufficient, and the “Heat strokes” during these periods are numerous, sometimes unfortunately with fatal outcome, and cause severe suffering for our animal in any case: NEVER LEAVE YOUR DOG OR CAT IN THE CAR DURING THE DAY FROM MARCH TO OCTOBER: NOT EVEN FOR 10 MINUTES!!!!!

Remember that stops should be frequent and take place in protected areas and with the dog on a leash. In any case, always carrydrinking water with you, which you will need to water him but also to wet his head in case of long and exhausting queues in the sun, which are dangerous especially for puppies and the elderly.

Arrived at destination check for hazards and let dogs and cats gradually adapt to the new living situation and different lifestyle, but without overdoing it; also avoid subjecting dogs to terrible days at the beach, endless trips to the mountains, eternal tourist excursions, learning instead to observe the dog and try to understand if and when it is really “happy” with our initiatives, or if it follows you out of duty.

Should you go to
, please check that pets are welcome and that our little friends do not disturb other guests or leave unpleasant “souvenirs” around the campsite!

When packing your luggage, among the items you absolutely must not forget: health record booklet and certificate of registration with the dog registry, passport for foreign countries and other documents if required, the phone number of your attending veterinarian to contact for long-distance emergencies, bowls, food, bottled drinking water or water bottle, brush and/or comb, antiparasitic products, medicine for specific diseases if the animal is already undergoing treatment and basic first aid items, its pillow or its blanket, its toys, a towel and paper towel. Then what? For your dog: leash and muzzle. For the cat: toilet box and sand.

ADLER Srl has been working for years now with dozens of facilities distributed throughout Italy: please do not hesitate to contact us for information in case of need: if your pet should have any health problems we will refer you to Experienced and qualified VETERINARY CENTERS for any emergency with suitable facilities and equipment following your little friend! As always it seems difficult to exhaust the topic in a few lines, but I hope we have managed to give you a few more little hints!!!

Happy vacations to bipeds and quadrupeds!

Dr. Frida Thedy – Adler Ltd.


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