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How to teach puppy recall and attachment bonding

Our chihuahua has finally arrived home! Joy, amazement, but also anxiety and uncertainty alternate in our minds as a thousand doubts grip us, because let’s face it, adopting a dog is a big responsibility and it is not absolved simply by a little food and a few walks.

From the moment the puppy becomes part of our lives, we will have a duty to provide for its welfare until the end of its days! In the previous article we saw that the puppy, needs to be able to find in the owner a substitute for the primary attachment figure (the mother) to serve as a secure base. Once the puppy arrives home, it will choose a reference person, to whom it will return whenever it needs to feel reassured. Only then will he be able to explore the world and build certainties that will form the basis of his balance as a future adult.

Being a good secure base is a delicate task.
The reference person, must be able to foster the puppy’s experiences without exposing him to risks, accompanying and supporting him in exploration, never forcing him. Day by day, the puppy will build fixed references that will give him security and help him become independent and adult.

At this delicate stage, it will be relatively easy to teach the puppy to respond to the call, taking advantage of his natural inclination to follow the attachment figure.

The first phase of the recall involves:

  • The name chosen for the puppy should be short with distinct syllables so that it is easy for the dog to recognize and memorize.
  • During the recall, the owner should use a festive tone of voice so that it is associated with a positive state, which does not betray impatience or an excess of authority.
  • Even if the puppy does not come to the call right away, the owner should remain calm and greet him warmly with a smile on his face.
  • Once the puppy has approached, it is important for the owner, after praising him, to allow him to return to his toys again, as it would be detrimental if the little one associated the call with capture and the end of freedom.

As a rule of thumb, remember that calling off the puppy who is engaging in interesting activities would be not only unnecessary but detrimental, because it would set the stage for failure. Rather, better to attract his attention by doing something that intrigues him and once he gets it, cheerfully call him back.

Upon reaching puberty (around six months of age for Chihuahuas). detachment will take place, indispensable condition for the dog to become an adult as well as of fundamental importance, since if it does not occur, it will give rise to Attachment disorders that may result in anxiety (separation anxiety) and hyperactivity. Therefore, wanting to summarize, if In the first stage the puppy will not have to be isolated and indeed it is desirable that he can sleep in the same room as the owner; at this second stage, it will have to be gradually moved away during the night, Expressing displeasure if he becomes too insistent.

It goes without saying that this does not mean at all that you will have to get angry with him, let alone yell at him, because you would create conflicts that would cause decompensation in the dog; but rather you will simply no longer fulfill her every request for cuddles and attention, making sure that every initiative (cuddle, attention or play etc) starts with you.

Carla Beard
Sing To The Moon Dog Center


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