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Peeing and pooping in the home: the other causes

chihuahua pipi

Also this week we are talking about… pee!!!! I swear, however, that this is the last time, also because by now you have become experts who can understand, “What kind of problem does your dog have if he pees in the house despite the fact that he is long past two months old?”

Having to summarize, for the benefit of those reading me for the first time, in previous articles we have seen that…

  • The first thing to do is to make sure the dog has no health problems .
  • Review the ways in which the dog has been trained and ensure that it makes regular outings .
  • Permanently eliminate the sleeper, which not only confuses the dog, but cannot and should not replace a healthy walk.
  • Get help from a good Educator, who reviews the educational aspect and sets it correctly, so as to prevent and solve anxiety-related problems, in all its manifestations.

Having said that, we can continue with…

When pee and poop are due to fear
In dogs, fear can cause reflex contraction of the bladder and colon muscles. In this case, inappropriate eliminations are only one manifestation of the dog’s emotional state and are associated with:

  • Tachypnea (rapid breathing)
  • Tachycardia (altered heart rhythm)
  • Mydriasis (dilated pupils)
  • Pilot erection
  • Tremors
  • Scialorrhea (excessive salivation)
  • Muscle contractions

Remedies are directly related to the treatment of fear; if possible, all triggering stimuli and situations should be avoided and referred to a therapist.

When peeing in the house equals a demand for attention
Dogs learn very quickly that if they do not get the desired attention with positive, calm behaviors, they can get it with inappropriate behaviors. In some dogs, they can even induce their owner to take them out in a hurry by simply posturing to urinate in the house. Clearly, the dog will use this ruse only in the presence of the owner, who, once the dog’s request is met, will realize that the dog in all likelihood, did not even have to pee. In this case, it may help to increase the number of outings and the amount of time to devote to them, remembering that walks are not only a way to satisfy the dog’s physiological and exercise needs, but also play a key social role in his psychological and physical balance.

When the dog is old
Females that have been spayed at an advanced age and older dogs, may leak some of their urine while sleeping or relaxing. In this case, it is a good idea to have your dog empty his bladder as frequently as possible and to see your veterinarian, who will assess whether therapy should be undertaken.

Carla Beard
Sing To The Moon Dog Center


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