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Why does my chihuahua poop everywhere?

First of all, it is good to clarify, that the reasons may be of various kinds, and to solve the problem it is necessary to understand the cause.
Below, we will look at the main reasons for this problem, such as:

  1. Clinical issues
  2. Problems in education to eliminate in the right place
  3. Insufficient outputs or too far apart from each other
  4. Preference for a particular substrate (e.g., newspaper, sleeper.etc.)
  5. Separation anxiety
  6. Marking behavior
  7. Emotional urination
  8. Urination associated with fear
  9. Attention-seeking behavior
  10. Geriatric incontinence


The first thing to do is to rule out the existence of any pathologies, such as:

  • Urogenital pathologies
  • Gastrointestinal and/or related conditions
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Dog in geriatric age
  • Neurological problems
  • Anatomical abnormalities


If it is a PUPPY…
In all likelihood, he has not yet learned to go “potty” in the proper place. It is good to know that until four months of age, the puppy will not be able to control his sphincters and it is therefore quite natural for him to soil wherever he happens to be. First of all, it would be good to avoid setting up Diapers or newspaper sheets on the floor, because in this way we will only slow down the puppy’s learning process, since the message you will give him is: “This is the right place to pee and poop.” and later, even if you remove diapers and newspapers, the dog will tend to use the same place and will struggle to learn how to retain droppings. Ideally, you should teach your puppy to do his business outside the house from the very first moment, choosing a quiet place that is easily identifiable by the dog, possibly a nice lawn. To promote learning and because the puppy has difficulty retaining urine and feces, it is best to lead him outside every two hours or so and in any case systematically whenever he has eaten, played or taken a nap. Since in all likelihood, he will not have completed the vaccination cycle yet, choose a place free of other droppings to avoid contamination. To be clear, absolutely no to the dog area!
At first it is preferable to always lead it to the same place. If the dog is on a leash, it will be best to encourage it to walk in a confined area to encourage elimination behavior. You will leave the puppy free to sniff in the area you have chosen, avoiding interacting or playing with him, until he has gone potty. When he curls up, wait until he is finished and reward him with “caresses and praise.” It is good not to go back home right away, but to prolong this very pleasant moment for the puppy by walking some more.

Next week we will delve into the following topics: “If an adult dog is soiling in the house. The most common mistakes.”

Carla Beard
The Sing To The Moon Dog Center


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