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When chihuahuas soil at home: mistakes and remedies

Last week, we looked together, at how to educate our chihuahua puppy to eliminate properly outside the house, highlighting the fact that very often, the use of the sleeper ends up confusing the puppy, giving him a misguided direction to go “potty” in the house.

In fact, it may happen that some of the urine accidentally ends up on the floor, and the dog, sensing the smell, ends up thinking that that is a new place to pee. It goes without saying that the same educational technique, is also applicable to the adult dog, although normally if the problem occurs, it depends on other causes. But let’s look at some of them now:

First, I would like to emphasize that for the dog, walking is not only a way to satisfy physiological and exercise needs (kinesthetic), but performs a SOCIAL ROLE, function that the so-called “sleepers”, so much in use among owners of small dogs, can in no way perform. That said, ideally, we should allow our dog at least 3 or 4 outings a day for physiological needs, in addition to a good daily walk, which includes in addition to on-leash behavior, the possibility of a free run. Changes in habits and schedules or going out too far apart can create discomfort for the dog and cause unplanned “accidents.” Keep in mind that our dog loves “routine” because it instills confidence in him, after all, “he” spends most of the day waiting to be able to do something with us, so, “Why deny him and us the pleasure of sharing a nice walk?”


  • If you are present, intervene promptly when the dog begins to turn in on itself or when it is about to pee, interrupting the action with a loudly uttered “Ah Ah,” then take it outside immediately. If he can eliminate outside. You will praise him warmly.
  • If you find bisognini on your return is perfectly useless to scold him, in fact it is even detrimental because you would end up inducing fear in the dog, who not only would not understand why you are so angry with him, but the conflict between the joy of seeing you again and the fear, would generate a state of anxiety.
  • NEVER physically punish the dog. Not only is it unnecessary to do so, but it breeds distrust of the one who should be a “point of reference” for the dog.
  • Do not stick your dog’s nose into the dog’s excrement or urine; it does no good and it is deleterious to do so.
  • Do not clean up in his presence lest the dog think you are playing, better to lead him to another room, without showing anger toward him.
  • Do not use bleach or ammonia, or you will end up fixing odors and creating a scent trail.

Carla Beard
Sing To The Moon Dog Center


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